- to the height of it all -


make a habit, break a habit link-up #8

lauren and i were just discussing how crazy it is that we have been hosting this link-up for SEVEN months! this link-up marks our eighth, and it is just blowing my mind. i have really enjoyed reading everyone's posts and making small goals for myself along the way.
look out for a giveaway to celebrate our 3/4 birthday next month (yes, 3/4th birthday IS a thing!).

as far as goals are concerned, between going to tampa and china and being slammed with grad work, my goals just did not stand a chance. i am looking forward to making more time this month for my self-improvement (even though it is ridiculously busy - i can count on my hands how much "free" time i have).

last month
make a habit: yoga everyday!

break a habit: cussing/cursing/swearing.
i was doing well with this until last week. there seems to be a correlation between stress and swearing with me!

this month
make a habit: workout 3 times per week!
i said in my #fitnessfriday post that i was going to ease into walking once a week, but i know i can push myself. instead, i will be doing circuit resistance training every monday (i started today!), wednesday, and friday. i'm ready to get stronger and see some toning!

break a habit: cussing/cursing/swearing.
i NEED to do this!!!!

what habits are you making and breaking this month?
link up below with lauren and i between now and april 10 at 11:55 pm.
the link-up will go live on the first monday of every month to share goals and progress!

how it works: 1) link up your post on what habits you want to make or break and progress you've made towards last month's. (link directly to your habit post! that means no homepages or unrelated posts - please and thank you!) 2) make new friends! visit at least two other Habit Makers and Breakers and give them some love! 3) include our snazzy button below or link back to your hosts in your post so other people can join in on the fun. (don't forget to follow us as well so you don't miss out on any new and exciting habit making or breaking news!)

The Pinnacle Project


Becster said...

Good luck with your goals! The cussing one is difficult - I'm the same! The more stressed I am the more swearing I do!

Well done on starting the circuit training! Hope you enjoy!

DT said...

Working out is on my list too. Good luck!

Britt @ The Pinnacle Project said...

Thanks! The cussing is definitely difficult, but I am loving circuit training, so I am hoping I can really make that a permanent part of my lifestyle!